• Operations such as record-keeping or maintenance in an organization or a computer that make work possible but do not directly constitute its performance.
  • The management of household affairs.
  • Refers to the management of duties and chores involved in the running of a household, such as cleaning, cooking, home maintenance, shopping, laundry and bill payment.A housekeeper is a person employed to manage a household and the domestic staff.


           Whether it be from lack of effort or lack of education, I have found many people struggle to make their beds. Some of my college friends do not make their beds every day, and most of them don’t make their beds at all. A big excuse of theirs is that their sheets always come undone whenever they sleep, so they don’t even bother. Not only is knowing how to properly make a bed important because your room needs to be presentable when company comes over, but it will always keep the sheets in line and lead to a more comfortable sleep.
The materials needed are not going to be crazy. You just need a bed frame, a mattress, pillows, and a set of sheets. My set of sheets includes a mattress pad, a fitted sheet, a top sheet, a duvet, and pillow cases, but you can get fancy and add other blankets if you wish.

                       TRADITIONAL BED MAKING 

  • Bed-making is the act of arranging the bed sheets and other bedding on a bed, to prepare it for use. It is a household chore, but is also performed in establishments including hospitals, hotels, and military or educational residences. Bed-making is also a common childhood chore. 


Step 1: Clear the Bed

Picture of Clear the Bed

For a properly made bed it is best to start from scratch. This means clearing off any sheets and pillow you have on your bed. I am down only to my bed frame and mattress. If it has been a few weeks since you’ve washed your sheets, now is a great time to do so.

Step 2: Add the Mattress Pad

Picture of Add the Mattress Pad
While a mattress pad is not necessary, I personally always use one. It adds another comfortable layer between you and the mattress, which is great if your mattress is uncomfortable. This step is very easy, as most mattress pads have little elastic bands on the corners. Just line up the corners of the mattress and the pad and put it on. Since this is the bottom most layer, make sure to stretch out the pad completely so there are no wrinkles.

Step 3: Add the Fitted Sheet

Picture of Add the Fitted Sheet
Picture of Add the Fitted Sheet
The fitted sheet is named this because its sides are completely elastic, which will make for a tighter fit around the bed. Like a normal sheet, one side of this sheet should be longer than the other. However, since the entire side of the sheet is elastic, the corners are less defined and the sheet can look more circular than rectangular. Make sure to orient the sheet the correct way before putting it the right way. Same as with the mattress pad, make sure to put the sheet on tightly to avoid any wrinkles. The easiest way to do this is lift the mattress slightly as you go, to tuck the sheet in as well as possible.

Step 4: Add the Top Sheet or First Bed Sheet

Picture of Add the Top Sheet
Picture of Add the Top Sheet
Picture of Add the Top Sheet
First, find the side of the sheet that is hemmed. That is the side that will be lined up with the head of the mattress. From there, spread the sheet out so there is an even amount of sheet hanging off each side of the bed. The leftover sheet hanging off of the end of the bed should be tucked into the bottom of the mattress.

Step 5: Check The Hospital Corners

Picture of Hospital Corners
Picture of Hospital Corners
Picture of Hospital Corners
Picture of Hospital Corners
This is the most important step to making the bed. This will keep the sheets in line and far less likely to come apart during the night, as well as making the bed look neat. My mother taught me how to do hospital corners because I would always rip my sheets out as I slept, and they helped immensely.
First make sure the tucked in portion of the top sheet is in tight. Pick one corner to start with first. Grab a portion of the sheet that is hanging over the side so it folds over the top of the mattress at a 45 degree angle from the corner of the mattress. Hold that portion of the sheet in place, and tuck any remaining part of the sheet that is hanging over the bed under the mattress. The part on top of the mattress can now hang down on the side once again. This flap should now be tucked under the mattress as well. This will keep the sheets tight against the corner of the bed and very difficult to pull out of place. Throughout the process, make sure to get rid of any wrinkles so the sheets will be smooth. This will help keep the sheets tucked as tight as possible. Repeat the process for both sides of the bed.

Step 6: Add the Last Bed Sheet

Picture of Add the Duvet
The duvet will be placed on top in a similar manner to the top sheet. Make sure it is spread evenly over the bed, with the same amount hanging off both sides of the bed. Line up the duvet a little below the top sheet. Since the duvet is very important for appearance, make sure it is spread out nicely and wrinkle free. I do not usually tuck the duvet into the mattress, since my duvet is very thick. If you like having the duvet tucked in, however, feel free.

Step 7: Fold Down the Sheets

Picture of Fold Down the Sheets
The reason we lined up the duvet below the top sheet is so the extra length of sheet can be folded over the duvet. There is no functional advantage to this, but it will look nice and presentable. If you want your bed made as tight as possible, tuck the remaining sheets, and duvet if you wish, hanging off the side of the bed under the mattress.

Step 8: Pillows

Picture of Pillows
Picture of Pillows
I like to sit my pillows up against the back of the bed. I also have two pillow shams I like to keep on top of my other pillows. These are mostly decorative, so feel free to use any kind of decorative pillows you please. I like my pillows flat as a pancake, but most people like fluffy and voluminous pillows. If that is the case, make sure to fluff them up before you put them on the bed.
